Something, well Amazing- 23/05/2023

So it's been a while and it will be a while, so I'm gonna rapid fire this, 

1. There is now a Robot Naming System

2. I'm writing exams so I won't be extremely active with the project. 

3. The protagonist changed from a Kronos Trash feeder to a Hermes Neuronrunner. 

4. I've started a consept art book and a catalogue of robots

5. I've started drawing the map. 

6. I'd love to see your robot ideas... Please I need ideas, if you decide to do this write what you want your name to be in the credits

How to use it.
1. Pick a class, Restoration, Observation, Colection, Transportation, Creation, Transmutation, Protection, Information, Communication. 
2. Pick a Greek or Roman name of a deity
3. Pick what or who it restores, observes, collects, transports, creates, transmutes, protects, informs or communicates with. 
4. Pick an attribute of the robot. 
5. Add a short description of the robot, it's personality and what it names itself
For example:
1. Class: Communication
2. Deity name: Hermes
3. Communicates with: Neurons (It's pretty cool, I promise)
4. Attribute: It's fast so, runner
5. Org, or in all other cases Brainwave
It runs across all landscapes to deliver the messages from the neurons.
Sorta looks like a bipedal ant with two neuron wires attached to its head.

DEVLOG 9 -  23/09/2023

Get The Legend of Org - v1.5.

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