Going SubOrbital

This is a major content update so I suppose a changelog is in order


- New enemy: The Four  Winged Pincher
- Finished enemy: Slug, now able to be parried
- Changed Coin behavior, they now do damage and go FAST
- Added multiple layers of complexity and fun to an already complex and fun combat system
- Requested a wiki on Miraheze (fingers crossed for that one), to log any and all discoveries, in tech and combat, along with getting everything that is currently in the game logged and categorised
- Added tutorials to explain, simply, how the game works
- Added multiple rooms and, in my opinion, the best combat encounter in the game thus far, tucked in a secret behind a secret
- Added an Block Spell
- Fixed a bug with casting spells that froze the game
- Reduced the amount of Construction Tape
- added some construction tape... i think i missed a spot somewhere...

Oh what a mouth full...

If you want to hear from me and see the development in action I'm on BlueSky and I sometimes upload gameplay onto YouTube, rarely though

I want to add some more movement related things and an inventory / power up system in the next update, so let's see if I can actually stay focused...

Bye, enjoy your week and I will hopefully have something new next week, but the previous update was about 7 months ago, so...


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